ENTIRE offer services to companies and are categorsied under 3 areas of expertise
- Web Application Security Assessment
- Tailored external attack surface security assessment
- Digital Maturity Assessment
- Discovery & Assessment
- Understanding emerging and future technology for primary schools
- Insights as a Service
- Cyber for Charities
- Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher Application Support
- Electronic Prototyping Service
SKILLS Development
- AI Fundamentals: Constraint-Based Production Scheduling
- AI Literacy and the AI Act: From AI, to Ethics, to Regulation
- Design Thinking Skills Development and Mentorship for Innovation
- Cyber Skills for Public Sector Management
- Cybersecurity Awareness Skills – non IT staff
- Cybersecurity Risk Management for Small/Medium Sized Businesses
- Cybersecurity Awareness – for Small/Medium Businesses
- Digital Maturity Assessment
- Discovery & Assessment